How far along? 34 weeks
Size of baby?
33 weeks: pineapple
34 weeks: cantaloupe
Total weight gain? Between 3-5 pounds, depending on the day... I'm curious if I'll pack on more rigt before delivery, or if I'm just not meant to gain much. We'll see!
Gender? GIRL! You can read about it here!
Maternity clothes? Always except bed - still fitting into those giant Royals shirts from T-shirt Tuesday... you know the ones... they always give XXL because it's what they have. Yep, those.
Sleep? Sleep. Ha. I'm waking nearly every hour to pee or reposition myself. My hips hurt so much that I constantly have to switch sides.
Work outs? Walking occasionally but mostly not working out at all at this point. I know I'm going to regret this afterward when it's that much harder to get back in shape, but the moment I try, my entire body feels like it's shutting down.
Cravings? It's something different every meal at this point. I don't want much... hardly anything ever sounds good... and the only thing I can stomach is what I'm craving at that instant. Talk about annoying...
Aversions? Most hot foods right now. It's so hot outside that I can't even think about it. Also, still tomatoes and now peppers too. Reflux. Ugh.
Best moment of this week? Ellie and Megan hosted a wonderful baby shower for us here in Ohio. It was small but special and fun!
Worst moment of this week? Another couple of hospital visits... one for my breathing, in which they had to give me an IV of magnesium sulfate to relax my lungs (from my sinus infection)... and another time for rapid heartbeat. I could hear and feel my heart pounding, so I laid down for a while... 90 minutes later, Dan checked my pulse, and it was still over 100 beats per minute RESTING... so he freaked out and called L&D. They had me come in, but they didn't really do anything... they just monitored Baby Cookie and waited for my heart rate to go down before sending me home.
Looking forward to? We're heading BACK to Kansas City to see a couple good friends marry each other! PLEASE pray that the drive goes smoothly. Dan took extra leave so that we can break the drive up more.

I can't even imagine the drive to Kansas City.... I drove 4 hours to Indy over the weekend and I stopped to pee 3 times...and I'm not even pregnant!
ReplyDeleteSending lots of good vibes for a smooth drive!! :)
ReplyDeleteI don't think i worked out past 30 weeks either. I was just too uncomfortable and i had some hip pain too. I also had some pelvic issues postpartum that delayed me getting back into working out and pretty much prevent me from running. That being said, nursing, eating healthy, and consistently walking and doing yoga daily-I'm under my pre-pregnancy weight at one year. Be kind to yourself. Having a baby is somewhat traumatic on your body, but it's what we're made to do. You will recover :) Good luck with these last few weeks.
ReplyDeleteOh man, sorry about the hospital visit.
ReplyDeleteI hope the drive goes well!
You look great! Glad you had a good baby shower!