How far along? 24 weeks
Size of baby?
23 weeks: papaya
24 weeks: ear of corn
Total weight gain? I weigh exactly what I did when I found out I was pregnant. I'm not sure how... but since the doctors aren't worried, neither am I.
Gender? GIRL! You can read about it here!
Maternity clothes? I'm still wearing maternity clothes pretty much full time except for my pajama shorts and baggy t-shirts that I sleep in. I did buy a couple maxi dresses for "normal" people two sizes too big, and I hope they'll stretch out with my belly this summer. I found them at Walmart for $15 each (compared to $45+ for maternity dresses I've seen, ugh), so I bought two different colors/patterns. I wish I would have bought more now because they don't have anymore in stores or online.
Sleep? I've been sleeping a little better since the last update, but now I'm waking up four times a night to go to the bathroom... oh well. At least I'm falling asleep quicker!
Work outs? Walking on the treadmill feels so hard these days. It's like running used to be, which is crazy. Also, I keep randomly being out of breath after doing not much activity - like painting my toenails or trying to move positions on the couch. And it's only going to get worse...
Cravings? No real cravings to report... still want a lot of fruit, I guess, but I always like fruit, so I'm not sure if that counts as a craving anymore.
Aversions? Chicken of all kinds... keep it away from me.
Best moment of this week? I am finally feeling Baby Cookie move around a lot (and not just one flutter every few days), so that has been exciting! Now, I just can't wait until Dan can feel her too!
Worst moment of this week? Our AC has been out, and it was 85 here over the weekend. The company who has to fix it (since we're renting our house, we have to go with the one the owner wants) is the most unprofessional, awful company we have EVER worked with for anything, so it's been quite the hassle. Let's just say that it hasn't been working properly for over two weeks, and they're finally going to fix it tomorrow. What!? (They did come to fix it once, but they left it more broken than before...)
Looking forward to? I can't wait to meet our little girl! I know we still have a way to go, but it's so nice knowing that she would have a fighting chance if she were born now. Not that we want that to happen by any means... but we are so thankful that doctors would do their best to treat her now!
Was it difficult for you to move around this early?
When do you think Dan will be able to feel Baby Cookie moving from the outside?

My sisters and I were born at 30 weeks, so Baby Cookie could definitely make it if she were born now. But you're right--- let's hope she doesn't decide to test it!
ReplyDeleteI really can't believe how fast time is going by! She is going to be so adorable. :)
ReplyDeleteYou are more than halfway through now! It was about this time in the pregnancy that Tom could feel George, so I am sure it will happen soon! Maxi dresses are the best pregnancy outfit in the summer of all time! Also chicken was really the only thing that grossed me out during my pregnancy. I hope these kidney stones go away!