Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Veterans' Day Transformation Tuesday

On this Veterans' Day, I share with you a Transformation Tuesday. On the left, you see 17 year old Dan when he first enlisted in the Army 8+ years ago in 2006. On the right, you see 25 year old Dan, a newly commissioned officer in the Air Force. How times have changed! Thank you to ALL who serve this great nation of ours and keep us safe!

I thoroughly enjoyed looking back on his high school baby-face! We didn't know each other then, so it's always fun finding old photos. 


  1. Nice photos! I have a photo of my husband when he joined in 1996! I didn't know him then either. He looks so young too.

  2. I love the photos! What a great then and now comparison

  3. Congratulations to your husband! My brother is a grad (now nearing retirement), and my husband and I were stationed in the Springs when we were first married. Looks like we've got some shared experiences. I'm looking forward to following your posts!
