I can't believe another month is already here... and then some! I keep falling behind on these monthly review / goal posts, but a few days late will have to do because that's what you get.
First let's see how I did on my February goals...
1. Finish one book, and read one more. CHECK! I finished All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr, read The Aviator's Wife by Melanie Benjamin, and started Zlata's Diary by Zlata Filipovic (and finished it on March 1st... woo!)
2. Run one consecutive mile. Fail. Big time. Didn't even try... I've been sick, but that always seems to be my excuse lately.
3. Go to the gym 15+ times. Fail. See above.
4. Start packing for our PCS. Check! We started packing books and even a few clothing items. I'll be starting to pack hardcore this coming week - all the clothes we don't need until we get to warm Texas and all of Annabelle's clothes she has outgrow... which is always tough.
5. Celebrate seven years with Lieutenant Lovemuffin. Check! We had a nice, easygoing dinner together on the 25th, and I'll post more about that soon!
And now for the March goals...
1. Read two books. This one should hopefully go okay since I've been on a reading kick lately! I've noticed that I sleep much better at night when I read before turning off the lights. The only problem is when I get sucked into the story and stay up longer than I would have otherwise.
2. Enjoy my last few weeks with Ohio friends. It'll be tough to leave a few friends here, so I want to hang out and savor those moments as much as possible. There's little to no chance we'll ever be at the same base again because our husbands have very different career paths, but it is a small Air Force, so you never know!
3. Successfully move from Ohio to Texas into our new home! This one is self explanatory... but it's going to be a real challenge getting all of our stuff (yes, we're doing a DITY) across the country, along with our vehicles (we have three... but that's a post for another day), ourselves, our child, and our three pets. Pray for us. Please.

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