Monday, June 15, 2015

A Colorado Springs Staycation Guide

Today, I'm guest blogging over on Hope's blog about the top ten things to do in Colorado Springs for a staycation... in my opinion! I may not live there anymore, but the four years I was fortunate enough to, it felt like home.

Be sure to check out the post here and give Hope's blog some love!



  1. Ooo I will go check this out! We need to discover more than our little Eastern suburb.

  2. I'm happy to say I made it to 5 of the locations on your list! I really wanted to visit the Broadmoor but didn't have time. I do have one suggestion though-- Glen Eyrie. While it's privately owned, it's not totally off limits... my friend and I parked at their bookstore and strolled the grounds.

  3. Just got back from the Springs yesterday! I love visiting!

  4. I love it there! Such a pretty place!
