Monday, July 15, 2013

My Biggest Weakness (52 Weeks of Blogging With a Purpose)

Today marks week number four of my link-up with From Mrs. to Mama for the 52 Weeks of Blogging With a Purpose!

You may check out my other posts ON THIS SECTION OF MY BLOG if you're interested; it's a pretty fun link-up, so I highly recommend participating! :)

This week's topic is my biggest weakness... so here we go.

My Biggest Weakness

This one is easy to answer, unfortunately. I am VERY aware of my biggest weakness. It's something I'm working on, but it's still glaringly there in front of me:

PATIENCE -- or rather a lack-thereof.

My lack of patience affects me in several ways.

1. People. If I arrive somewhere on time, and I end up waiting for someone, I really don't like it. I know most people in the world are not on my time schedule, but hey, I can wish.

2. Surprises. I LOVE surprises, but waiting to find out what they are KILLS me. I don't have the patience for it! Example: Dan is planning our honeymoon for next summer. He has already booked some of it. He won't tell me where we're going. He says I'll find out when we get there... so yes, BEST surprise EVER, I'd say, but do I REALLY have to be PATIENT for THAT LONG?!?!

3. The Military. Since my fiancé is in the Air Force, it's tough running on THEIR time all the time. They will tell him he can leave at a certain time, and then it doesn't happen. My patience runs thin then. I hate having to wait for him all the time...

But I will say that my biggest patience isn't the worst thing in the world. I know that. It's just the reason that I am *ALWAYS* that person who carries a book with her -- AT ALL TIMES. You never know when you're going to end up waiting!


  1. I definitely struggle with patience too! So convenient since we are with military guys right? I think it takes a big person to admit their downfalls, so kudos to you! Loved reading this post :)


    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who struggles with patience, haha. Thank you so much! :)


  2. Replies
    1. YES! CAn't leave the house without one (or two or three!) :)


  3. I always struggle with my lack of patience too - I like that saying or whatever "why can't be hurry the eff up a virtue?" haha

    1. HAHAHA! I love that! Thanks for the laugh this morning :)

