
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

My Life Five Years From Now (52 Weeks of Blogging With a Purpose)

I am continuing to participate in the 52 Weeks of Blogging With a Purpose, a link up that From Mrs. to Mama is hosting in the blog-world. Like I've previously mentioned, I won't be able to write about each week's topic because some simply do not pertain to me, but this week's does! I will tell all about how I picture my life to be five years from now.

If you'd like to check out my first two posts from this link up, you can see them HERE (Who I Am) and HERE (Ten Things I Live For).

My Life Five Years From Now

Age: In five years, I will be *gasp* 30, and Dan will be 29.

Where We'll Be: We could be living anywhere in the world by then. Dan will be graduated from USAFA, finished with pilot training, and flying an airplane (who knows which one?) by then. He will be a Captain in the US Air Force by then, and we will have lived in a few different places at that point. It's hard to predict where we'll be, but let's keep our fingers crossed for Germany. ;)

Family Life: We'll have our two cats, Gilligan and Stormy (though they will be aging by then, which breaks my heart to think about) and at least one dog that we plan on adopting next summer after our wedding. Hopefully by then we won't have just four legged children, as we'll be getting old as well. Hopefully we'll have a Baby Cookie or two by then! (Last name Cook... funny? No? I like it.)

Relationship: Dan and I will be celebrating FOUR years of marriage at that point and NINE years of being a couple! That is SO crazy to think about, but it makes me happy.

Career: If we are living somewhere for a long time, I may be teaching. However, if we have those Baby Cookies by then, I likely will not be working outside the home any longer. We'll see, though. This is something I go back and forth on ALL THE TIME. I think we'll just have to see what is best for our family at the time. I do love my job, though, so we'll just see.

Health: I hope to still be running and eating well at 30! That's a goal for the longterm, actually. I want to be that old lady you see running 5Ks! I will have completed a full marathon by then (hopefully while I'm 26, actually), and I hope we will live somewhere that has fun races all the time like Colorado Springs does. Dan and I love being active together, and I don't see that changing.

Travel: As a military spouse (not yet but next May!), I hope I will have the opportunity to see much of the world. I can't wait for our honeymoon next year, though part of that is top secret information (aka Dan is surprising me) because I'm sure I'll get to see a lot of things I have never experienced living in the USA my whole life. Our goal is to travel abroad every even year, and we have a savings plan to make that happen!


  1. Love you blog! :) It's fun to predict where you think you'll be in 5 years, isn't it? In 5 years we may be in Germany, too! How fun!

    1. Thanks so much! And yes, it's fun to guess! That would be so awesome! :)


  2. I love the nickname Cookie! That's so adorable!!
    Planning a travel abroad schedule is such a good idea. Way to think ahead!

    1. Haha, thanks! And yes, we knew we'd have to budget for so much travel, so we created a plan on one of our roadtrips this summer! :)


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You make 30 sound so old...It is not that old! :)

    1. Haha, it just feels SO FAR away still... and kind of scary. Then again, I'm the one who had a full-blown quarter-life crisis last summer when I turned 25... oops. :-P


  5. Great goals. It's fun to think about the future and wonder what it will bring. Best to you and your soon-to-be hubby as you navigate this military life. There are surprises around every corner and it is very exciting. I hope you get to see the world!

    1. Thanks! And yes, it is so much fun to think about. I'm very excited for all the surprises military life will bring! Thanks again! :)


  6. Fun!! I bet the next 5 years will just fly by for you! :)

    1. I hate wishing time away, but I also can't wait to see what life has in store!! :)

