
Sunday, July 7, 2013


Okay, so my title may be a little misleading for this post. I didn't JUST get engaged. Today is the ANNIVERSARY of my engagement to Dan, though... today marks TWO YEARS since he popped the question, and I said, "OF COURSE!

If you'd like to read about our story, CLICK HERE (to go to my "about" page), and scroll down to "Our Engagement Story". 

If you already have, just check out these pictures from our special day, July 7th, 2011! 

I really am so blessed to have a fiancé who thought so hard about how he was going to propose. He is so creative and loves surprising me, and I will be forever thankful that he made the moment SO special for me! :)

He got me the PERFECT ring! I wanted something like this (and he knew that but wanted to pick it out himself) -- I'd say he did a VERY good job! :)

I love the detail from the side view. I had never seen anything like it, and I LOVE that my ring is unique! :)

I absolutely LOVE sharing our story, and since I'm missing my Cadet Lovemuffin right now, it's great to reminisce! I will be seeing him soon, though, and I am STOKED about that!