
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Five Months: Annabelle

Five months... seriously? That's almost half of a year (and this post is two weeks late, though the monthly photo was taken on time), so we're even closer to sweet little Annabelle's half birthday now.

Wow. It blows me away thinking back over the past five months. Our tiny girl has grown so much. She had doubled her birth weight by last month, so that was a big victory! Now, we're just putting on the fat. Except not really, because although she is gaining weight, she is growing even more in length. We have a long, skinny stringbean... unlike either of her parents. (Dan and I are both tall... just not skinny!) 

Annabelle is the light of our lives, and we are absolutely enjoying this season of watching her grow and learn new things every single day. It amazes us how smart and how strong she already is, and we could just watch her for hours. 

She's still SUPER hungry all the time (going through another growth spurt right now, actually - she has upped her average daily intake by 4-8 ounces a day, depending on the day, so I'm anxious to weigh her again soon). 

She still is the queen of nicknames, but the most frequent ones these days are: Baldylocks, Crazybelle, Stinkerbelle, and Annie. I'm not super keen on the name Annie... I much prefer Anna. But Annie just seems to fit her sassiness right now, so that's what's coming out of my mouth more often than not. I do still hope she will go by Annabelle, though.

Annabelle is almost entirely out of her 0-3 month clothes because of her length. If she weren't so tall, she'd still be comfortable in most of them. She wears 3 month clothes comfortably now, but some of her pants that came in outfits are starting to become capris on her... so I bought a pair of 3-6 month pants at Target on a whim, and they fit her SO much better... but they don't match any of her outfits. 6 month clothing is still WAY too big on her, so I need to find some more 3-6 month outfits soon. I checked Once Upon a Child and only came home with two outfits, so I'm planning on checking the other local location soon before shelling out more money than I should.

This stage of babyhood is so much fun. She is grabbing things, and her social smiles are THE BEST. She's still napping well, but some days, her naps are shorter than normal. I guess she just wants to be awake more with her awesome mama. 

Since she's five months old, I decided to make a comparison collage - 5 months on the inside, and 5 months on the outside!

Some people get jewelry as a push present. My husband knows me so well that he ordered this shirt for me and surprised me with it during labor! I LOVE it, and I'm so glad Annabelle has so many dinosaur outfits so I can keep wearing it with her! :)



  1. I can't believe she is 5 months old already! Such a cutie pie! :)

  2. How is she already 5 months?! Your Annabelle pictures give me baby fever!

  3. I can't get over how cute she is! I love that you two have matching dinosaur clothes.
