
Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Mom Hair... and a Donation

Guys, I'm going to be real here.

Until recently, I hadn't cut my hair since March of 2014. Yeah, I'm serious - that's a year and a half!

But my ends were pretty dead... and it was taking me SO long to dry my hair (pregnancy made it even longer and thicker!)... oh, and did I mention that my hair brush literally snapped in h alf one morning while I was using it?!

That was my breaking point.

I knew I had to cut it, but I get really bad anxiety about haircuts. You can blame my mom for that one - she had my hair chopped off boy short when I was in Kindergarten because she didn't want to deal with French braiding it for acrobat competitions every weekend...


Ever since then, I just really dread getting a hair cut, even if it's a trim. So this was a pretty big deal.

I decided that since I was planning on cutting a fairly significant amount anyway, I should look into donating my hair. I had Lieutenant Lovemuffin break out his measuring tape, and he showed me where nine inches was, the minimum amount required for donation (some places). 

In the end, I had 12.5 inches cut off, and I sent my donation directly in to Wigs for Kids. I feel pretty good about my decision, and I had a huge weight (literally) lifted off of me. 

  • Have you ever donated your hair?
  • What's the most you've ever cut off at once?



  1. It looks good! I normally donate my hair every two years.

  2. I love your hair, it looks great! I can't donate my hair because I color it.

  3. I love your hair! I've donated my hair a couple of times but I can't donate anymore now that I dye it.

  4. You look great!

    And yes, I have donated my hair a few years ago.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Pahaha your childhood picture cracks me up. Before I read it I was like "what a pretty boy"

    I'm jealous of your thick hair! Wow! Good for you for being brave enough to chop it, it looks great!

  7. OMG! I didn't realize it was so long to begin with! Your new do looks great!!

  8. See, I see that picture of little kid you and that's exactly the hair my gymnast sister had - The Kerri Strug :) It's legit

    Good for you for donating! The new length looks awesome on you!

  9. My parents gave me the same haircut all through elementary school. I still haven't forgiven them for it. I donate my hair every couple years. I just did it to Wigs for Kids for the first time! Yours looks great!
