
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

New Mom Apologies

Whoa, it's been a couple weeks. Oops.

I promise I'm not going to disappear.

Adjusting to being a new mom is more time consuming than I thought... even though Annabelle is a GREAT sleeper.

Forgive me for the sporadic posts... I do have a big list of posts to share, but I just haven't gotten around to writing them yet.

Birth story is coming soon... I need to get that all typed out before I forget details! Luckily, Dan took notes throughout my labor for me, so that should make it easier.

In the meantime, here's a picture of Annabelle and me when she was just FOUR DAYS old... now, she's already 25 days old... HOW???



  1. Do you call Annabelle ABC? Because I totally would haha!

  2. Oh so cute!!! :) You are a wonderful mama.

  3. She is just a beauty! Glad she is sleeping well- you look amazing!

  4. I know how that goes! Don't blink, momma! ;)

  5. She's too cute!!! I hear you girl! It's hard to find time to blog. And even when I could have the time, I prefer to snuggle Jaxon or do something around the house. No one judges you for not posting often. We all understand. I'm just happy to read whenever you do post and I really look forward to your birth story :)

  6. She is absolutely precious!!!!! No apologizing for your lack of blogging!!! Infants are needy little humans!

  7. She is adorable! That's awesome that she's such a good sleeper.

  8. Awwww I love newbs! So precious!

  9. Don't apologize for not blogging. You are doing what you need to do for your kid. Soak up all those little baby moments you can!
