
Thursday, March 5, 2015

Bumpdate: Weeks 5-12

When I found out I am pregnant, I was only 3 weeks and 6 days along (so really, 1 week and 6 days in)... so I had plenty of time to figure out what I wanted to do to document this process. I skipped week 4 because honestly it was a huge blur of telling my husband, absorbing the information, and doing a ton of research.

Thus, my bumpdates (if you can even call them that at this point) started at week 5! I am excited about them and hope I'm not too annoying. But to spare you from weekly ones so soon, I decided to combine weeks 5-12 in one (way too long) post. You're welcome.

As I write this post, I am already 13 weeks and 1 day pregnant, so as you can see, I'm already slightly behind. Oops. Here's to hoping I can keep up from this point on!

How far along? 13 weeks now, but these photos are from weeks 5-12!

Size of baby?
5 weeks: orange seed
6 weeks: lentil
7 weeks: blueberry
8 weeks: large raspberry
9 weeks: green olive
10 weeks: prune
11 weeks: lime
12 weeks: large plum

Total weight gain? I'm actually down three pounds from before. I've only thrown up once, but I think being much pickier about food is doing it to me. Plus, I found out RIGHT after the holidays, so just getting back into a workout routine and eating better than all the junk over Christmas helps... oh, and cutting out alcohol. That'll do it. 

Gender guess? Girl! I have had a strong gut feeling since the moment the test came back positive. There's no rhyme or reason behind it, and I don't necessarily even PREFER a girl... I can just FEEL that's what in there! If they tell me it's a boy in a few weeks, I will be thoroughly shocked... like jaw on the floor confused. I won't be upset... but I will question everything I know about myself and about life.

Maternity clothes? I have bought some maternity jeans because my jeans are rapidly getting tighter on me. Right now, though, my normal jeans are too tight to be comfortable, yet the maternity jeans are too loose to stay up. Go figure. I also bought six plain tops (different colors) from Old Navy's maternity section because they were 60% off, so I figured I'd buy them on sale and wear them when I need to. 

Sleep? Sleep has been elusive lately. I've been extremely fatigued during the days, and I've needed to nap a LOT. Like two hour naps... which is not a thing in my life. Or at least it wasn't until now. That feeling of pure exhaustion is finally starting to subside, but I'm still not sleeping well at night. I sleep with my water bottle because I wake up wit my mouth so dry I can't even swallow. Then I have to pee from all the water. Repeat this several times a night. It's a good thing Dan could sleep through a tornado.

Work outs? Weeks 3-10 were pretty bad. I felt nauseous ALL THE TIME (yet I only threw up once)... so the thought of going to the gym didn't sound great. I did go a few times and walked, but it wasn't much. Now, I've been going more, and I made a goal to cover 200 miles while pregnant. I'm included running, walking, biking, and the elliptical, and I'm already up to 26 miles. I don't think I'll be doing much running, though. My heart rate is SKY HIGH right now, and it's scary when you can feel it about the beat out of your chest. Yikes. So walking and biking have been good for me for now, but we'll see how my body adjusts. 

Cravings? Over the past eight weeks, I've craved a lot: pickles, pretzels, cottage cheese (which I normally hate), Poptarts (also something I don't normally eat), fried eggs (on breakfast sandwiches - that you would NEVER catch me eating before), and all fruit... but especially grapefruit. I have eaten at least one a day. I'm also devouring oranges, strawberries, mangoes, pineapple, etc. So good. And guys... I'll be honest here. I really just want a cup of coffee. Black coffee. Straight or iced, I don't care. I just want it. The taste... the caffeine... I could really use it right about now, but I'm abstaining. 

Aversions? Cucumbers (which I normally LOVE), tomato sauce, the smell of meat... and actually, the smell of everything. Blegh! 

Best moment of this week? The best moment of this entire process so far was definitely being able to finally share our news with the world. We feel so blessed by the outpouring of love we received from family and friends everywhere! Thanks, guys! 

Worst moment of this week? The worst moment has been throwing up right after dinner. I'll spare you the details... but it was probably more traumatizing for Dan than me anyway because he was standing right next to me, AND he had cooked the dinner... haha!

Looking forward to? We are planning to travel (out of the country) soon to go to a couple places we missed last summer when we had to cut our honeymoon short, and I am so excited! Baby related, we're of course excited to find out if Cookie is a girl or boy for sure in April.

Alright, that was definitely more than enough information for one post. Phew! I will probably combine weeks 13 and 14 together and then just do them weekly from there. Maybe. We'll see. 

Do you enjoy reading bumpdates?
Did you make them when you are pregnant? 



  1. You have the cutest bump!! I love how quickly you started showing! For about half of my pregnancy, I was convinced boy. I was so shocked when she was a girl, but it was the BEST surprise! Hopefully the nausea and vomiting are on their way out!

  2. You are glowing! :) I am so excited for you.

  3. It's so cool to see your bump get bigger in the photos!

  4. I recommend getting some leggings or jeggings to help with the pants problem! My belly got huge out of nowhere, but it wasn't big enough yet to properly wear maternity pants, so anything stretchy fit really well.

  5. I love seeing all your pictures back to back! So excited for you!

  6. You are looking great! I am so glad you got maternity pants already. (Not that you need them). I wish I didn't wait so long to get them. I was so much more comfortable instead of trying to make my normal pants work. You will be so happy that you didn't wait. You are almost to the second trimester, which is where everything was better for me and many other women. It's like the sweet spot! The nausea is no fun and it is a huge bummer to "rest" all the time. Pick out some new books/crafts/tv shows to keep your mind occupied! I love reading bumpdates!

  7. You look awesome.

    When I was pregnant, I couldn't be around chicken for the longest time.
