
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

When I Grow Up, I Want To... {Blogtember Challenge}

I am so excited that it's day three, and I'm still completing the Blogtember Challenge! What a great way to get me refocused on blogging consistently again.

Brave Love Blog

September 3rd Prompt: "When I grow up, I want to be ..." Feel free to answer as your 5-year-old self or as of now.

If I answered as my 5-year-old self, I would want to be a furniture mover, garbage woman (jumping off the back of the truck just looked SO fun), or a bat (yes, the animal)... so I better answer with my choice for now.

I am a teacher by trade, but I'm not currently employed. I know that I do belong teaching kids... or teenagers, specifically. I love it, and they energize me. They're just so much fun, and I learn as much from them as they do from me.

That said, I also LOVe my current gig, which is crafting full time and selling my products in my Etsy shop.

But I also just cannot wait to be a stay at home mom one day. As of now, my husband is calling me a "stay-at-home cat mom" when describing me. Hmm.

And last but not lease, my DREAM is to be the next great American author. I have been writing since I could hold a pencil, and it is my true passion. Blogging is an outlet for me, but I also write fiction... on my own computer... that no one ever reads. I think I need a little more confidence in my writing before I share it with others, but I'm working on it.

What do YOU want to be when you "grow up"?
Is it the same or different from when you were 5?

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