
Monday, May 19, 2014

A Wife Next Week

Is this real life? My wedding is NEXT WEEK. Oh my gosh. I am thrilled, elated, and SOOOOO happy!

We have waited for five long years while Cadet Lovemuffin has been at the Air Force Academy.

You see, they are not allowed to have dependents (be married) while at the Academy... OR live off base!

We are SUPER excited to finally be "normal" soon. Living together will be amazing. Being able to call him my husband will be wonderful. Spending lots of quality time with him this summer will be fabulous.

I simply cannot wait to be his wife! Next Friday will be here before we know it!

Any last minute suggestions for not being overly anxious the night before? I want to be able to get a good night of sleep!


  1. Yay! Congrats! Remember to relax on the day of, and enjoy every minute. It goes by way too fast!

  2. Congratulations!!! One piece of advice my sister has been given was to realize she might not spend a lot of time with the groom on the wedding day, since there will be so many friends and relatives to entertain. Oh, and to enjoy the day even if something goes wrong, because at the end of the day you're married and that's all that matters :)

  3. May 30th is our 5 year anniversary! It's a great date to be married on! :) I'm sure you have a million things to do - remember to relax, take it all in, and have fun!!

  4. OMG!!! I'm so excited for you!!! I remember that feeling all too well. Nick was prior enlisted before he went to the Naval Academy, which meant by his second year there, we were more than ready to be married. But, as you know, it's not allowed. That was a very long four years, and the two years we were engaged seemed to last forever!! (Although, now looking back, it really did fly by!). I cannot wait to see photos from your wedding day!
    Here is my one piece of advice for the day: Don't leave each other's side. If he goes to the bathroom, wait outside and vice versa. If he goes to get a refill, go with him. EVERYONE wants to talk to you and take photos with you. You will leave him to go to the restroom, and be stopped multiple times going there and back that before you know it, you've been away from your husband for over 45 minutes. Doesn't seem like a lot but when your reception is only 4 hours? It's a long time!!! Seems silly but trust me! We did this after seeing my best friend never with her husband at the reception and we are so glad we did!

  5. Go out and do something totally unrelated to the wedding on the nights before, like all this week, and just totally put it out of your mind until Friday and then just enjoy it all!! Congratulations, yay!!

  6. Take every opportunity to take off your shoes and give your feet a break during the day. By the time we got to our hotel after the reception my feet and legs were killing me!

  7. Eeeek! Yay! Congratulations! The tanker pilot and I are so excited for you both! I would suggest that during the reception make sure you take time to actually eat your dinner instead of talking to people. And just relax and have fun and don't sweat it if something doesn't go 100% the way YOU planned... no one else will know except you! Also always remember that the wedding is just one day but the marriage between you two is a lifetime!

  8. Wow! So many exciting things in the near future! Watch a favorite movie the night before. Just relax and know that the next day will be exciting. On the day of, don't worry. You have plenty of people by your side to help you out if there are tiny blemishes. But like Melissa said, "don't sweat it if something doesn't go 100% the way YOU planned... no one else will know except you"

  9. That is so exciting! I've been anxiously waiting you wedding

  10. Ahh I have loved watching all your photos! So happy for you two!
