
Friday, July 31, 2015

Life Lately

Life lately has been hectic... we've been traveling so much, and I am just flat out exhausted.

Some may consider this post a photo dump... but I'll add commentary as well so I can remember all these events. I sure hope life decides to calm down a bit before Baby Cookie arrives... I could use some quiet days.

I sure did miss these fur-babies while we were out of town! More on that out of town part in another post or two...

I love when I'm able to get them both in the same photo. 

Hospital stay #? Who knows anymore. I was admitted for pyelonephritis, which is a kidney infection. No good. They kept me overnight and pumped lots of fluids and antibiotics into me. 

While I was stuck in the hospital, it was National Hug Your Cat Day. I was super bummed, so I told Dan to hug the kitties for me when he got home. This is the photo I got... nice try, babe. It's the thought that counts, right? :)

One night, we went out for custard... and I thought, "let's bring Smudge along"... so glad we did because they had a dogwich on their menu! It was frozen custard between two dog biscuits. He loved it. 

We went to the Strawberry Festival in Troy, OH... but the best part was taking a photo with Babe Lincoln!

Stormy climbs Mt. Janelle every day. She loves her baby.

My handsome husband ran his first half marathon! And the lucky guy wasn't even sore afterward - he even mowed our yard that day!

These two... staring at an airplane. She's such a daddy's girl.

On the 4th of July, we made patriotic French toast. It was SO delicious. 

And then we spent the rest of the holiday weekend sanding and painting furniture for Baby Cookie's room.

I wore my respirator (Walter White style, yo) because of my asthma... and so Baby Cookie didn't have to get all the fumes either.

No caption needed. :)

We celebrated Tyler's second birthday with him, and we had so much fun! He is such a little character, and we love seeing him so often. 

After flying, I was super sick... again. I had an ear and sinus infection, so I loaded up on juice since I can't take many meds right now. 

Dan and I have started (and almost finished now) a six week Lamaze class through our Air Force Base hospital... it's 2.5 hours each Wednesday night, but we're learning a lot. This is after the first class when we deserved 1/2 price shakes for having to watch a live birth on TV without any warning.

The MLB All Star Game was in Cincinnati this year, which happens to be only an hour away from us! Groupon was so nice and offered a big discount for the Fan Fest... so we went! It was a lot of fun, and we got to pose with the world's biggest baseball.

And I got to hold one of Cal Ripken Jr.'s old bats, which was pretty sweet.

Gilligan likes exactly TWO human foods: ice cream and peaches. When I had peach ice cream, the guy went nuts. I can't blame him, though. 

Stormy is always laying on her baby. She's going to be so confused when Baby Cookie doesn't have whiskers or a tail...

Smudge is the goofiest dog in the world. This is his "I'm so happy after a walk" face. 

Due to my sinus infection, I was actually admitted during a routine appointment with the pulmonologist. I was wheezing too much for their liking, so they hooked me up to an IV with some meds to open up my lungs. It worked, but I had a slight allergic reaction, so what should have taken 30 minutes actually ended up taking 2.5 hours because they had to dilute the medicine with saline and drip it super slowly into me. I'm all better now, though!

We keep catching Stormy sleeping on the changing pad. In her defense, it does look like a cat bed... and here's a tiny sneak peek at Baby Cookie's room! 

I made these cherry lemonade cupcakes for our Ohio baby shower that a couple good friends threw for us... more on that later!

Has your life been crazy lately too?
Have you done anything fun?


Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Our First Anniversary Photo

I have been such a bad blogger lately. I am on NO schedule, which feels as awful as it sounds. Yes, I still have my calendar up-to-date with posts I WANT to be sharing... but this third trimester exhaustion sure is taking a toll on me.

By the time I finish my daily shop orders and chores, I just want to nap... so I do... because it's the only way I can function by the time Dan gets home from work. 

Because of my crazy lack of updates, I never shared our first anniversary photo. I loved this idea when I saw it on Pinterest before we were even married, and I couldn't wait to do it! I've also seen many friends and bloggers use this idea... so it must be a really cool one. 

We wanted our house to be in the background, so we tried our best. We actually got this photo on the very first try... by setting the timer on our camera and placing it on the bed of Dan's Dodge Ram. Next year, we'll have a different house in the background!

Do you do the anniversary picture-within-a-picture too?
Do you keep your anniversary photos displayed in your home?


Wednesday, July 22, 2015

28 Facts About Me for My 28th Year

Today is my birthday - I'm the big 28! Woohoo! I can't believe how close to 30 I am. Anyway, I decided to share 28 facts about me with you all in honor of my birthday... enjoy!

1. When I was three months old, I was a skunk for my first Halloween. Thanks, parents. 

2. Yes, I've always loved cake as much as I do now.

3. I broke my elbow on the growth plate and had to have emergency surgery when I was just over a year old. Someone thought it was a good idea to jump on the bed... oops. 

4. Playing in a pile of leaves is when my parents first discovered how bad my allergies are. I ended up with blue lips and an inhaler from the mold.

5. I've always been a bookworm. I just love reading.

6. I've always been terrible at finding things. The Easter Bunny (and Santa, of course) always had to "hide" things in plain sight... or I wasn't going to find them.

7. School supplies, especially Crayola brand, have always made me this excited.

8. It's true: I've always been a crazy cat lady. That's nothing new.

9. PiƱatas set me up for a life of disappointment. Sure, you get candy from them, but it's trickery when you get praised for hitting one thing with all your might and punished for hitting your brother...

10. Carousels are one of my favorite things. I can't wait to relive them with Baby Cookie. 

11. When all other little girls wanted to be princesses, I begged to be a bat. I've always been a little different.

12. I love snow - winter is definitely my favorite time of year.

13. Shiny things have always gotten my attention... even if they're beads my parents somehow got from Mardi Gras. 

14. Being a Chiefs fan was pretty much bred into me... and it will be into Baby Cookie too!

15. My dad sometimes did my hair and makeup for dance recitals...

16. I got first place in my very first acrobats meet when I was six!

17. Colorado has been my happy place for nearly as long as I can remember.

18. I've always been a REALLY good sleeper. I so hope Baby Cookie is too.

19. Much to my mother's dismay, I have always been a tomboy. 

20. I USED to be able to get a tan, not just a burn. Here's proof (on the left). 

21. Bottled root beer has always been my favorite. Yum!

22. I played football for my school and had a blast. These three photos basically symbolize my time in 8th grade.

23. I outsmarted my dad once by asking him if he would take me to a huge summer concert. He said, "if you can bring me tickets in the next 30 minutes, I'll take you." (The concert was still a month away.) I got on our family computer and clicked "use last credit card", paid for the tickets with HIS money, printed them out, and took them to him. He stuck to his word, and we had a blast. He even let me put blue streaks in my hair for the day!

24. The only other time I've "dyed" my hair was when I sprayed it bright red for a football game with one of my best friends.

25. If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I love posing with statues. I have no idea why... but I've enjoyed it for quite some time...

26. My favorite photo of all time is me in my favorite gold prom dress sitting in a big chair at a book store reading a book. 

27. Finishing my first marathon in April, 2014 is by far my proudest moment in life.

28. Finally being officially married to Lieutenant Lovemuffin after over five years of dating was pretty cool too. Our wedding day was the best day of my life, and this photo captures how I felt perfectly!

Do you celebrate your birthday?